Sunday School Lenten Lucheon for FAR VIEW “That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church.” Our youth are one of the most vital and vibrant elements of the Armenian Church today. Like a precious gift, they serve both as the present day reality and future of the Armenian Church and Nation. Special importance has been placed on serving their needs by devoting this section of the website to serve our youth. We invite our youth to submit questions in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section to learn more about the Armenian Church. The opportunity is also provided for our youth to share their thoughts and views on the Armenian Church by submitting their favorite prayers, poems and essays to We hope the youth will use this website as a tool that will be both educational and enlightening to them, while providing them the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings with each other. Through the wonder of the Internet, the children of Armenia will be united once again. The Holy Virgin Mary & Shoghagat Armenian Church offers Sunday School for children preschool through junior high beginning at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. Our Sunday School teachers volunteer their time and talent to teach our children about their Christian faith and Armenian heritage. Weekly activities include Scripture readings and Armenian prayers, including the Hayr Mer (The Lord’s Prayer) and Havadamk (Nicene Creed), Bible trivia, and arts/crafts. Throughout the year the Sunday School children present programs for various parish events. Additionally, the Sunday School hosts an annual Lenten lunch fundraiser on Palm Sunday. Our children have been very successful in raising donations for FAR (Fund for Armenian Relief) directed organizations as well as raising much needed funds for people in need at the local, national and international levels. In recent years, our Sunday School children have provided direct support to these organizations and causes:
We always welcome new students to our Sunday School. Please come join us any Sunday morning or email us at for more information. |